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Would Jesus (Isa) Join The Muslim World During The Month of Ramadan?

Writer's picture: Brother Levon XBrother Levon X

Ramadan holds great spiritual significance for Muslims ( One who submits their will to the will of God), commemorating the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. It is a time for increased devotion, self-reflection, and strengthening one's relationship with God.

According to the Bible, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights. Fasting is often seen as a form of spiritual discipline. By abstaining from food or other physical comforts, individuals aim to focus their attention on spiritual matters, such as prayer, reflection, repentance, and seeking God's guidance. Fasting can be a means of developing self-control and mastery over one's desires and appetites. It teaches individuals to overcome physical cravings and prioritize spiritual needs.

Jesus taught about fasting, emphasizing the importance of doing it sincerely and not for show (Matthew 6:16-18. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus addresses the practice of fasting as part of his Sermon on the Mount.

"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

In his teaching, Jesus emphasizes that fasting should be done with sincerity and humility, not for the purpose of drawing attention to oneself. Instead, the focus should be on one's relationship with God, and the act of fasting should be carried out in a way that is not meant to impress or gain approval from others. Jesus teaches that the true reward for fasting comes from God, who sees and understands the heart's intentions.

Fasting served as a period of intense spiritual focus and communion with God for Jesus. It demonstrated his commitment to his mission and his reliance on divine strength rather than mere physical sustenance. Additionally, Jesus' fast served as an example for his followers, illustrating the importance of self-discipline, prayer, and reliance on God in times of testing and preparation.

Fasting in Ramadan is seen as a form of spiritual discipline. It involves abstaining from food, drink, and marital relations from dawn until sunset. Through this act of self-denial, Muslims aim to increase their piety, develop self-discipline, and strengthen their connection with God.

In the Quran it states, "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous" (Quran 2:183). Fasting is believed to cultivate taqwa, or God-consciousness, in individuals. By refraining from worldly desires and focusing on spiritual matters, Muslims strive to become more mindful of God's presence and commands in their lives.

Fasting also fosters empathy and solidarity with the less fortunate. By experiencing hunger and thirst firsthand, Muslims develop a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by those who are impoverished or hungry. This awareness encourages compassion, generosity, and charitable acts towards others.

Ramadan is a time of communal worship and bonding for Muslims. The shared experience of fasting brings families, friends, and communities together in prayer, iftar (the meal to break the fast at sunset), and other religious activities. This sense of unity strengthens social ties and reinforces the importance of collective responsibility within the Muslim community.

Both Christianity and Islam emphasize the importance of submission to God, albeit with some differences in interpretation and theological understanding. Muslim by definition means one who submits their will to God.

Jesus taught his followers to submit to the will of God the Father. This is exemplified in Jesus' own life, particularly in his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion, where he prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42,). This submission to God's will is a central aspect of Christian faith and discipleship.

In Islam, the concept of submission to God is foundational to the faith. Muslims believe in surrendering their will to the will of Allah (God) and following His guidance as revealed in the Quran and through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

By definition Jesus can be considered a Muslim, in the sense of one who submits to the will of God, is a viewpoint shared by some Muslims. Jesus' teachings and actions align with the principles of monotheism and submission to God's will, which are central tenets of Islam.

Jesus (Isa) is revered as one of the great prophets of Islam. Muslims believe that Jesus was given a divine message to preach to the Israelites, calling them to worship one God and live righteous lives.

Muslims acknowledge Jesus' unique status as a prophet and messenger of God, they regard Jesus as a human prophet chosen by God to convey His message to humanity. Muslims do regard Jesus as a righteous servant of God and a model of faith and obedience. Therefore, the assertion that Jesus can be considered a Muslim, in the sense of adhering to the principles of monotheism and submission to God, reflects a perspective held by some within the Islamic tradition.

Islam is NOT a Arab religion. Islam has been in existence since the beginning of time. Islam has no birth record. Islam is often described as a comprehensive way of life rather than simply a religion. In Islam, the Quran is believed to be the word of God (Allah) as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.(Peace Be Upon Him)

To "reveal" something means to make it known, to disclose or unveil information or truth that was previously hidden or unknown. In a religious context, "revelation" often refers to divine or supernatural disclosure of knowledge or guidance to humans. For example, prophets in various religious traditions are said to receive revelations from God or deities, which they then communicate to their followers

The term "Islam" itself means peace and submission to the will of God, and its followers, Muslims, are those who submit to God's commands. Islam provides guidance on every aspect of life, offering principles and values to govern personal conduct and societal interactions. This holistic approach to life distinguishes Islam from mere religious belief systems and underscores its role as a comprehensive framework for living.

While there are theological distinctions between Christianity and Islam, both traditions share the fundamental belief in the importance of submitting to the divine will and seeking to live in accordance with God's commandments. This commonality underscores the deep spiritual connection and shared values between the two faiths.

Jesus himself stated in the Gospel of Matthew, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matthew 5:17,). Christians interpret this to mean that Jesus came not to nullify the teachings of the Hebrew prophets (including the laws found in the Torah) but to fulfill their ultimate purpose and bring them to completion through his life, death, and resurrection.

In Islam, Muslims believe in Jesus teachings. Jesus did not bring a new set of laws but confirmed and upheld the previous revelations given to prophets like Moses and Abraham. Muslims consider the Torah, as revealed to Moses, to be one of the scriptures from which they derive guidance, along with the Quran.

Therefore, there is a shared understanding across both Christianity and Islam that Jesus did not abolish the laws of the prophets but rather fulfilled their deeper spiritual meanings and intentions. In this sense, Muslims, like Christians, strive to follow the ethical and moral teachings found in the laws of the prophets, including those associated with Jesus, as part of their religious practice.

Jesus and prophet Muhammad would have worked together. ( Peace be upon the both) Both Jesus and Muhammad were servants of God who preached monotheism(belief of one God), emphasized moral teachings, and called for social justice and compassion towards others. If Jesus and Muhammad were to have met, it's plausible to imagine that they might have found common ground on certain ethical and spiritual principles. They might have engaged in dialogue, exchanged ideas, and sought to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among their followers. Should the followers of both Jesus and Muhammad do the same?

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